نسرين طافش تتصدر جوجل بعد منعها من السفر بمصر.. وقرار من النائب العام ديربي إسكندرية.. شاهد مباراة الاتحاد وسموحة في الدوري المصري توتنهام يتصدر جوجل قبل المباراة المصيرية مع مانشستر سيتي الليلة بتوجيه من مدبولي.. حملات ترويجية مصرية لسياحة اليخوت عالميا جاءت قبل موعدها بعام.. تفاصيل العاصفة الشمسية التي تضرب الأرض أستاذ أمراض: 9% من المصريين مصابين بأنيميا البحر المتوسط.. وهذه خطورته أرصاد مصر: ارتفاع تدريجي لدرجات الحرارة بداية من الجمعة المقبلة (بذرة التين المقدس) ومعركة (كان) السياسية!!
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Abdelhady shalaan

For Whom?

The dirt-streaked, clenched hands stretched out, racing with eagerness, concentrating all the nerves of the body into a fist. At the edge of the grip, the meeting of the hunched shoulders made the hands grasp the void, dangling in the air. The eyes no longer saw the apple that once focused all gazes on a single point. A hand gripped

I Want Mariam

White, limitless - the paper - spread out before him, stretching and connected to the spool beneath the desk, its edge touching the desk's edge. Beside the bed: stacks of memory sheets wrapped with a rope in irregular sizes, almost reaching the ceiling, drenched with the winter water leaking from the wall, ink spots trailed onto the

The Era of the Cinema Club

The book "The Era of the Cinema Club" by Amir Al-Amri, published by the Egyptian General Book Authority, delves deep into the experience of the cinema club in Cairo. An experience that the author believes is the most refined, complete, and deeply rooted of all similar cinema club experiences. He recounts his memories and impressions

"The Mysterious Intertextuality in "The Fool's Revenge" and "The Tale of the Fisherman's Fish

The novel "The Fool's Revenge and The Tale of the Fisherman's Fish" by Hajjaj Adoul takes us to a bizarre world where there are strange celebratory rituals and societal norms concerning the very concept of work, alongside characters wrestling internally with good, evil, lust, virtue, and all the conflicting human drives deep

History of Drink... Completing the Emotional History of Egyptians

Published by Dar Rawafed Publishing and Distribution, the book "Egypt's Palaces: Rise and Fall of the Human State" by author Mahmoud Khairallah has been released. The author touches upon a delicate and mysterious point that hasn't been previously unveiled. This subject requires a dedicated book based on factual documents and

Eid's Calf

heart is suspended here, with the blade of the butcher's knife as it rises into the air, spinning and swaying with laughter around me, falling onto the whetstone, making its frictions a whine in my marrow. - Say a prayer for the Prophet. You wouldn't believe what I witnessed, for we were in the days of Eid.